About Jimmie


Jimmie is an Elemental Wayfinder with training in health education, life coaching, personal training, massage therapy, and holistic healing practices. She specializes in bringing the body, mind, and heart into alignment within a woman’s inherent powerful nature. 

Most of her youth was spent in the country side of Oklahoma, a state in the U.S. known for its Native American heritage. The guardians of this land made a subtle but deep impression on her. During a difficult childhood, she strived to understand her life and secretly prayed for wisdom and courage to create beauty from that which she didn’t understand. This life long search has brought together the kaleidoscope of her training and perspective. This led her to become a lead personal trainer at Body Temple, a world class women’s gym in Singapore, to building a business around the benefits and uses of myofascial release tools, and developing her signature coaching program of passion: Awakening to a Higher Love that helps women transform their crisis into their calling.

Jimmie’s love of nature brought her to the lands and waters of Alaska, the mountains of the Sierra’s and Nepal, and the sacred island of Bali. Nature is her great teacher, grounding her in what is most important.

Her education includes training as a Martha Beck Life Coach, an Advanced Personal Trainer, Integrative Massage Therapy, Reiki, Shamanism, Ceremonial training with Sharon Bolt, and an ambassador and facilitator of The Sister Circles with Kate Reed, and a Titan with ThrivEvolution. 


“I support women to own their innate superpowers, connecting heaven with earth thus creating health, wealth and abundance in their families and communities.”